Mutropolis Wiki

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/* Note that this loads before skin CSS, so selectors need to be more specific than the skin to override it. */
/* There will still be a "white flash" as the default (light) mobile css initially loads. To avoid this, you should first enable the Gadgets extension, then add [[gphelp:MediaWiki:Gadget-darkmobile]] to your wiki and rename this css file to MediaWiki:Gadget-darkmobile.css */

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/* Responsive main page stuff */
/* Main menu styles *
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/* -- Frontpage Navs -- */

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/* ------------- */

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/* toc */
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/* Tables */
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/* Footer */
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/* Search */
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/* Visual editor */
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/* End of new Navbox styling */

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/* Black sort arrows on sortable tables */
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/* Special */

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/* color fix */
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/* Note that this loads before skin CSS, so selectors need to be more specific than the skin to override it. */
/* There will still be a "white flash" as the default (light) mobile css initially loads. To avoid this, you should first enable the Gadgets extension, then add [[gphelp:MediaWiki:Gadget-darkmobile]] to your wiki and rename this css file to MediaWiki:Gadget-darkmobile.css */

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/* Responsive main page stuff */
/* Main menu styles *
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/* Front page styles *
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